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Le Case della Follia: Seconda Edizione – Il Sentiero del Serpente

- Adventure
- Expansion for Base-game
- Exploration
- Fantasy
- Fighting
- Horror
- Miniatures
- Murder/Mystery
- Puzzle
- Area Movement
- Co-operative Play
- Dice Rolling
- Hand Management
- Modular Board
- Partnerships
- Role Playing
- Variable Player Powers
- Arkham Horror
- Cthulhu Mythos
- Mansions of Madness
Other versions:
Las Mansiones de la Locura 2ª Ed: La senda de la Serpiente
Mansions of Madness: Second Edition – Path of the Serpent
Villen des Wahnsinns: Pfad der Schlange
Les Demeures de l'Épouvante - Le Sentier du Serpent
Posiadłość Szaleństwa (druga edycja): Ścieżka Węża
Panství hrůzy: Hadí cesta